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Leonora Rose Florists


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Care of Netto, Oldfield Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS12 4EX

For a quality florist in Leeds come to Leonora Rose. Our expert florists will personally create your bouquet using the finest...

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 bouquet, florist, flowers for all occasions, hand tied bouquets, wedding flowers, funeral flowers, corporate work, traditional bouquets, modern bouquets, aqua pack flowers

Miss Pinks Florist


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10 St Stephens Place, Plympton, Plymouth, Devon, PL7 2ZN

We are a fully established florist, delivering fresh flowers all across plymouth and east cornwall, are fully qualified staff are...

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Daffodilly's Florist


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253 Mary Vale Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B30 1PN

Daffodilly's is a florist based right in the heart of a little Quaker village called Bournville, a two minuite walk from the...

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 florist, flower arrangement, funeral flowers, bespoke flowers, birthdays weddings corporate

Floral Fusions - Florist


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17 Narborough Road, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE3 0LE

Leicester flowers UK florists in Leicester - FREE flower delivery Leicester flower shops Leicester,Wedding & Funeral Specialist...

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 wedding flowers, funeral flowers, florist leicester

Chiltern Florist


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6 Station Parade, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 2PB

The Chiltern Florists established over 50 years, two outlets in both Beaconsfield and Gerrards Cross in Buckinghamshire. We are...

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 florist, flower delivery, flowers for all occasions, wedding flowers, funeral flowers, online florist, gift shop, designer flowers, mothers day flowers, send flowers, birthday balloons, flowers delivered nationally, baby bouquet